It started back in 2021 when my best friend decided he needed some pasture art and there happened to be a longhorn sale in Rapid City. He bought 3 longhorn cows at this sale, in 2022 he talked me into going to the sale and I bought my first longhorn cow, and he bought another one to add to his collection. Neither one of us knew anything about the bloodlines or pedigrees. If they had big horns they were the ones we were looking for. We both bought more cows in 2023 and we got the bright idea that seeing how we have registered longhorn cows we should look into getting a registered longhorn bull. Still not really doing much of any research we found a bull down in Nebraska and we were in business. I can say its been interesting so far, have met some fantastic people and have made some great friendships in this little adventure.
Turns out that a couple of country boys from Wyoming that did not have a clue about what pedigrees to go after ended up with cows out of Cowboy Tuff Chex, Fifty-Fifty BCB, JP Rio Grande, TCC Houdini, Cut'n Dried, to name a few. Being from Wyoming I went on the hunt for cows out of Wyoming Warpaint and was lucky enough to end up with a few. Our new herd bull is out of Tenacious and we are excited to see what hits the ground in 2025 and beyond.
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